Miniatures bv
Edgard Blancquaertstraat 28
9030 Mariakerke
0032 (0)479 76 94 70

Coming from a background in linguis­tics, the work of Élise Van Thuyne finds it­self at the cross­road of archi­tec­ture and poetry. She is there­fore not to be de­scribed in one singular pro­fession. Started in 2005 as an auto­didact, she has worked on a total of over 80 projects.

In 2018, she launched her book "The Invisible Mark", published by Luster. In this book she adresses a reader, attempting to transfer the language in which she expresses herself on the construction sites she imagines. From there on, this language continues to evolve up until this day, and the day after that day.